Maker Geography ... and connecting the dots.
The Ernest Blair experiment is to see whether we can expand citizen science and maker geography to include literature, art, maps and other media.
On January 27 and 28, NSCC COGS hosts its annual Industry Expo and alumni are invited! Network with industry leaders and NSCC students and faculty during an evening social, followed by a fun day with expo booths, presentations, an industry panel and viewing of a specially curated display of antique maps. Learn more:
Celebrate 25 years of GIS Day ! How will you be celebrating ? 99 Ways to Celebrate GIS Day .
Esri Canada is hosting a virtual seminar on Tuesday November 19, 2024 to celebrate
Discover the new Medium Resolution Digital Elevation Model (MRDEM), distributed by Natural Resources Canada.
This product replaces the old Canadian Digital Elevation Model (CDEM), which is no longer supported. With a resolution of 30 metres, this new model provides complete national coverage.
To learn more about the National Elevation Data Strategy and data products available, visit National Elevation Data Strategy (
The Annual General Meeting of the Atlantic Association of Geomatics and Planning will be held virutally over Zoom from 12:00pm to 2:30pm on Tuesday September 24, 2024. Be sure to join us, and have a look at the agenda . We look forward to seeing you then. Contact for the Zoom meeting link, meeting ID, and passcode.
Date: Tuesday, September 24
Time: 12:00pm to 2:30pm
Location: Zoom Meeting
The 2024 Esri User Conference is an event designed for you to be inspired by industry leaders and your peers from around the world. At the Esri Canada watch party, not only do you get to watch the plenary with colleagues, you will interact directly with our Technical Solutions Specialists and Account Managers, and explore solutions and ideas together.
We’ll provide the food—just bring yourself! Seats are limited so sign up today!
Date: Mon, July 15
Time: 11:30 am - 4:30pm
Location: Halifax Office - 222 Waterfront Drive, Suite 104, Bedford, NS B4A
by Monday, July 8.
We look forward to seeing you!
Janice DeMont | Account Manager
The AAGP Survey will close on Saturday, September 23 at 11:55pm.
The Atlantic Association of Geomatics and Planning invites you to participate in the following survey to help us with workshop and educational planning in the coming year.
We will also be announcing several initiatives intended for members in good standing. If you have not already, please arrange your membership renewal payment by contacting
We look forward to hearing from you.
The AAGP Executive and Council met on this day to discuss formation of an education committee, media ideas, and future directions for the association including a survey to engage the membership. Additionally, an offer from Esri Canada for a promotional training discount was received in the days leading up to this meeting and more information on this will be circulated to members in good standing in the coming weeks.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Atlantic Association of Geomatics and Planning will be held virtually through Microsoft Teams on Thursday June 15th, 2023 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm (AST) . Read more ...
As we come to the close of another year, Executive and Council are pleased to formally announce the implementation of a group membership for the 2023 renewal year.
At the June 14th, 2022, Annual General Meeting (AGM), a motion was passed for a group membership to be put in place for 2023 in which Organizations who have five (5) or more members enrolled in the AAGP are eligible to receive a 20% discount on their membership fees. Full and Associate Members whose organizations meet these requirements will automatically have the discount applied to their invoices for renewals in 2023. For the purposes of this initiative, organizations are classified as an entire entity as opposed to different departments within an organization. This will avoid confusion across Municipal and Government Departments when it comes to billing and invoicing.
Since this was only approved by membership at the 2022 Annual General Meeting, after renewals for the current period had been issued, please note that the group membership is only applicable in the next renewal in 2023.
The association is pleased to provide this opportunity to our members organizations who meet the requirements as we continue to build and grow as a community. We look forward to continuing to work together with each of you to advance our shared industry goals and objectives.
Should you have any questions regarding the group membership, please contact or .
As we head into another holiday season, we would also like to take the time to congratulate all our members for their hard work this year to support the professional results we see everyday. We should all be proud of our accomplishments.
Thank you for your continued support of the Atlantic Association of Geomatics and Planning.
Wishing you health, happiness, and a prosperous 2023.
Season’s Greetings.
Event Schedule
Monday January 23, 2023
Welcome and Keynote
6:00-7:00 pm
Dr. Tim Webster will give a talk on his exciting work mapping Post Tropical Cyclone Fiona.
Evening Social
7:00-9:00 pm
If you arrive in the Valley on Monday, come meet up with old friends and
socialize for a while! Some light snacks and beverages will be provided to
munch on while you mingle.
Tuesday January 24, 2023
Expo Displays : All day in the Gym. Set up a booth in the gym to showcase what your company has to offer. Students will have access to the gym all day, and love to chat with company representatives to see what cool initiatives you're working on now!
Industry Panel: 1:00 - 2:00 pm. A panel of industry representatives talk about what it's like to be working as a geomatics professional in today's market.
Interviews: Throughout the day. Reserve some private meeting
space to hold meetings and interviews with prospective employees.
Company Presentations
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Would you like to give a specialized talk to students about your company or organization? Reserve a time slot for our AV theatre room, and tell us all about your work!
Antique Map Display
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
When you need a minute of down time, come look through this specially curated display of antique maps from our W.K. Morrison Special Collection. If you want to see more of the collection, sign up for a tour with one of our Librarians.
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Lunch is provided for all registered Expo Attendees, as well as COGS students. Please inform us in your registration if you require any dietary accommodations.
Registration Fees
Registration for this years Industry Expo will be $200 CAD + taxes.
Registration includes any 2023 Industry Expo events.
To register, you can request an invoice or pay by credit card - details on
registration form.
There are a number of sponsorship opportunities for this years Industry Expo.
You could sponsor a coffee break, the social, door prizes, etc.
If you have interest in sponsorship, please indicate on the registration form
and we will contact you for further details.
The AAGP Executive and Council met on this day to discuss formation of an education committee, media committee, group membership rate, and a by-law ammendment for retirement membership options.
The AAGP Executive and Council met on this day to formally appoint a treasurer, and discuss formation of an education committee, media committee, group membership rate, and a by-law ammendment for retirement membership options.
The AAGP Executive and Council met on this day to discuss the treasurer vacancy, formation of an education committee, media committee, group membership rate, and a by-law ammendment for retirement membership options.
A friendly reminder that member fees are now past due. As indicated in our by-laws, “Annual fees are due and shall be paid by the first day of June of each year for the proceeding year. When a Full member, Associate member, or Student member is in arrears of fees in excess of 30 days after June 1st, they shall cease to hold membership of any class but may obtain reinstatement for membership upon submission of a new application.” If you do not hold membership in the association, your e-mail is subject to removal from the list-server.
If you have not already done so, please contact before this Thursday June 30th to ensure continued and uninterrupted membership to the Atlantic Association of Geomatics and Planning.
Please see the following memo from Executive and Council .
There are a few items that the Atlantic Association of Geomatics and Planning (AAGP) Council would like to highlight following the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Meeting Minutes
The approved minutes from the 2021 AGM are available on the website. The draft minutes for this year’s AGM can be found here .
Vacancies on Council and Education Committee
You will notice that as indicated in the 2022 AGM Minutes, we are in need of volunteers to take on roles on Council which remained vacant at the conclusion of the June 13th meeting. We are encouraging our members to become involved and consider putting forward their names for consideration as Treasurer. If you have any questions about this position, please send a message to .
A call was put out for members to take part in the Education Committee, to help plan and prepare for the next AAGP workshop in 2023 as well as to begin exploring other options, such as online training. At the conclusion of the AGM, there were no named volunteers for this committee. Without an Education Committee, a workshop next year cannot be held. Executive and Council encourages anyone interested in being part of the Education Committee to email at their earliest convenience. We also extend our thanks to Mark Hebert at COGS for offering to help out with the Education Committee.
Member participation in various Association roles is essential as we continue to evolve. We look forward to hearing from you and working collectively to continue to advance the interests and priorities of the AAGP.
Membership Renewals
As indicated in our by-laws, “Annual fees are due and shall be paid by the first day of June of each year for the proceeding year. When a Full member, Associate member, or Student member is in arrears of fees in excess of 30 days after June 1st, they shall cease to hold membership of any class but may obtain reinstatement for membership upon submission of a new application.”
There are several members who have not submitted payment. An invoice was sent to you in early June via email. If you cannot find your invoice, please contact to request it again. We ask you to arrange payment of your renewal invoice via as soon as possible so that you will continue your membership and retain uninterrupted access to the list-server and related resources.
New Members Outreach
Please reach out to your colleagues around the region and let them know that
we are expanding our scope to include geomatics professionals of all kinds.
Our main focus traditionally has been centred on the administration of land
and land related information, but we are reaching out to include GIS
practitioners in other fields and areas of expertise. Our goal is to create a
network of communication and learning which will benefit any professional
working directly in a GIS environment, sharing skills and concepts ranging
from data management and editing to complex spatial analysis, and how to share
that information with a broad audience.
As we draw closer to the 50th anniversary of this association in 2025, we need you to take a part in determining our future course. Whether you have a question, a complaint, a suggestion, or even a bit of trivia, the Council wants to hear from you! We are looking for new opportunities to engage our membership and all input is welcome.
It is with great disappointment that the AAGP Executive and Workshop Committee have come to the decision to cancel the upcoming AAGP Conference slated for June 13-15th at COGS. We had high hopes of hosting an in-person event this spring; unfortunately, due to a combination of unexpected conflicts, and the ongoing spread of COVID-19 the committee could not justify carrying on with the conference.
Be assured, the Workshop Committee is working on some alternative approaches to bring the membership together to learn, collaborate and grow together, so stay tuned!
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback, and our apologies to those who had planned to attend.
We are nonetheless please to reschedule the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and proceed forward with this on the afternoon of June 13 th (see below).
Annual General Meeting
Please find attached a calendar appointment with Microsoft Teams Meeting details for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Atlantic Association of Geomatics and Planning on Monday June 13 th from 3:00pm to 4:30pm. We invite you to join us to take part in the many important discussions shaping the future of our association and encourage you to save this to your calendars. The following from Microsoft might be useful reference material for joining the meeting: Join a meeting without a Teams account (
Please note the following documents as it relates to this :
We will also be holding the election of officers and provincial representatives for council during the AGM. The following positions are available for nominations :
Additional information regarding the Annual General Meeting can be found in the revised 2022 AGM Notice . We will also take this time to remind that voting matters for the association are limited to full level and lifetime members in good standing as per the adopted by-laws.
If you have any questions, please let us know by e-mail at
Thank you,
AAGP Executive and Council / AAGP Education Committee
The AAGP Executive and Council met on this day to receive an update from the Education Committee on the planning of the 2022 workshop and to discuss other matters relating to media, membership, and finances.
Dates: June 13th, 14th and 15th
Location: Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS), Lawrencetown, NS
Join us at COGS for the three day AAGP conference to take part in presentations, demonstrations, and prizes! Some additional perks include:
• Coffee/tea and a light breakfast each morning.
• Catered lunch at COGS on Monday
• Complimentary dinner at the Edelweiss Inn
• A walking tour with George Forsyth of the Blomidon Naturalist’s Society
• A hospitality suite Monday and Tuesday evenings at the COGS residence
A reminder that we will be holding our AGM Tuesday the 14th from 2:30 – 4:30pm.
The AAGP Executive and Council met on this day to receive an update from the Education Committee on the planning of the 2022 workshop and to discuss other matters relating to media, membership, the list-server, finances and records management.
The AAGP Education Committee is looking for short presentations from our members for the upcoming June 2022 AAGP Conference . We want to know what you’ve been working on that has you excited!
Presentation Length: presentations should be about 10-15 minutes long, with 5 additional minutes for questions.
Topics: You decide! Showcase the maps you’ve been working on; share a geoprocessing solution you’ve developed; tell us about your experience upgrading to ArcGIS Enterprise; or demonstrate how you’re using new datasets (LiDAR, Census, etc). Whatever the topic, we want to know about those projects that make you tick!
Contact: Please email Tyler Veinot at with a short description of your topic by no later than May 6, 2022 and we will be in touch!
*Do you have a lengthier presentation to share, or maybe you know someone else that would fit the AAGP Conference? Send the details to the email above.
The AAGP Executive and Council met on this day to receive an update from the Education Committee on the planning of the 2022 workshop and to discuss social media, group membership rate, membership management and the list-server.
It's once again time to plan for the NSCC - Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) Industry Expo. With COVID-19 protocols still in place, they are again offering a modified version of their traditional expo .
Register Here
Click here to complete a registration form
Have Questions?
Contact with any questions
NSCC - Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS)
50 Elliott Road,
Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
The AAGP Executive and Council met on this day to receive an update from the Education Committee on the planning of the 2022 workshop and to discuss social media, committee structures, group membership rate, Newfoundland and Labrador representative vacancy, and the list-server.
The 2021 Workshop was held virtually on July 7th, 9th, and 11th due to the ongoing COVID-19 response throughout our region. The annual General Meeting was also held on July 9th.
Our name has changed! We are now officially the Atlantic Association of Geomatics and Planning (AAGP) .
Following the AGM, we are also announcing a newly elected Executive Council and Education Committee.
This years' workshop did not take place due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related states of emergency. The Annual General Meeting will take via video conference on September 25, 2020.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to receive an update from the Education Committee on the planning of the 2020 workshop and to discuss rebranding, fixed term positions for Executive Council, group work in workshops, and the 50th anniversary of the association.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to review action items from the AGM and discuss membership and finances, and receive an update from the Education Committee on the 2019 workshop.
This years' workshop took place at the NS Geomatics Centre and Mount Allison University and consisted of lectures on GIS as a spatial decision support tool, modelling inland flood risk, GeoNB, ArcGIS Community Hub, NS Geographic Information Services, ArcGIS Online/Survey 123 use in By-Law enforcement, and a tour of the NS Geomatics Centre. The Annual General Meeting was also held during the workshop.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to receive an update from the Education Committee on the planning of the 2019 workshop, and to discuss newsletters, our Facebook group, and the COGS Graduate Awards.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to review action items from the AGM and discuss membership and finances, a survey for fixed terms for Executive Council and receive an update from the Education Committee on the 2018 workshop.
This years' workshop took place at the NSCC Centre of Geographic Sciences and consisted of lab sessions on Modelling with QGIS, PDX Service and Open Data Portal (PVSC), ArcGIS Pro, and AutoCAD along with lectures on NSCAF, Coastal Impacts Visualization Environment (CLIVE), Hi-accuracy mapping with smartphones/tablets, Field mapping technologies, and Augmented reality in the mapping world. The Annual General Meeting was also held during the workshop.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to receive an update from the Education Committee on the 2018 workshop planning, and discuss membership, and finances.
The committee met on this day to continue the planning for the 2018 workshop.
The committee met on this day to review the 2017 workshop and start the planning for the 2018 workshop.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to review action items from the AGM, Executive Council roles, workshop financial report, lifetime member certificates, and the 2018 workshop committee.
This years' workshop was titled "Beyond the Desktop" and took place at the NSCC Centre of Geographic Sciences. The keynote speaker was Rob Oikle, Geomatics Researcher with Carleton University. Other sessions involved drones/UAV's, NS Provincial datasets, ArcGIS Online, Survey 123, QGIS, and Open Source solutions for municipalities. The Annual General Meeting was also held during the workshop.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to discuss By-Law amendments, rebranding, and the workshop agenda.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to discuss our scholarship, the 2017 workshop, marketing, By-Law amendments and policies, and website maintenance.
The committee met on this day to continue the planning for the 2017 workshop.
The committee met on this day for the first time to begin the planning and delivery of the 2017 workshop.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to review the 2016 workshop and discuss other administrative matters and initiatives from the Annual General Meeting.
This years' workshop was titled "Sink or Swim: Planning for Climate Change" and took place at the NSCC Centre of Geographic Sciences with a total of 25 attendees. The keynote speaker was James Boxall of the Dalhousie GIScience Centre and the special guest presenter was Richard Zurawski. The Annual General Meeting was also held during the workshop.
The AAPT awarded one $1000 scholarship to a returning full-time student entering into the Community and Environmental Planning Concentration at the Centre of Geographic Sciences (NSCC COGS) and well as the Tim LeFurgey Memorial Award to a graduating student who demonstrated the best overall achievement in fulfilling the requirements in the Geographic Sciences Diploma Program at NSCC COGS.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to begin the planning for the 2016 workshop.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to review the 2015 workshop and discuss other administrative matters and initiatives from the Annual General Meeting.
This years' workshop was titled "Asset Management" and covered three elements; Data Collection, Data Maintenance & Storage, and Data Publishing & Sharing. The workshop took place at the NSCC Centre of Geographic Sciences with a total of 25 attendees. 2015 marked the 40th anniversary of the association. The Annual General Meeting was also held during the workshop.
The AAPT awarded two $500 scholarships to two returning full-time students entering into the Community and Environmental Planning Concentration at the Centre of Geographic Sciences (NSCC COGS) and well as the Tim LeFurgey Memorial Award to a graduating student who demonstrated the best overall achievement in fulfilling the requirements in the Geographic Sciences Diploma Program at NSCC COGS.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to finalize the organization of the 2015 workshop, and discuss other administrative matters and initiatives.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to continue planning for the 2015 workshop, marking the 40th anniversary of the AAPT, and discuss other administrative matters and initiatives.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to review the 2014 workshop, start planning for the 2015 workshop, and discuss other administrative matters and initiatives.
This years' workshop was titled " Expect the Unexpected! - Emergency Planning and Crime Analysis " and focused on Emergency Management and Response as it relates to Planning and GIS. The workshop took place at the NSCC Centre of Geographic Sciences with a total of 15 members and 1 student in attendance. Thank you to NSCC COGS for hosting this event and allowing us to use their facilities. As well, thank you to the presenters and organizers that made this workshop possible. A special thanks is extended to Service Nova Scotia for co-sponsoring the workshop. The Annual General Meeting was also held during the workshop.
The AAPT awarded two $500 scholarships to two returning full-time students entering into the Community and Environmental Planning Concentration at the Centre of Geographic Sciences (NSCC COGS) and well as the Tim LeFurgey Memorial Award to a graduating student who demonstrated the best overall achievement in fulfilling the requirements in the Geographic Sciences Diploma Program at NSCC COGS.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to finalize the organization of the 2014 workshop, and discuss other administrative matters and initiatives.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on this day to review the 2013 workshop, start planning for the 2014 / 2015 workshops, and discuss other administrative matters and initiatives.
The 2013 workshop took place at the NSCC Centre of Geographic Sciences with a total of 20 members in attendance. Thank you to NSCC COGS for hosting this event, the use of their facilities, and the instructors for their presentations. As well, thank you to all of the other presenters that made this workshop possible. Special thanks is extended to Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations for co-sponsoring the workshop. The Annual General Meeting was also held during the workshop.
The latest edition of our newsletter contains an overview of the 2012 workshop, the draft minutes of the 2012 AGM, an overview of the AAPT booth at the 2012 ESRI User Conference, and more. Click to view...
The AAPT operated an exhibitors booth at the Solutions Expo of the Fredericton ERUC to further promote the association. A number of NSCC COGS students and persons employed in the Geomatics industry dropped by for more information on the association. New memberships have directly resulted from booth.
The AAPT Executive and Council met on October 11th to review the 2012 workshop, start organizing for the 2013 workshop, and discuss other administrative matters and initiatives.
The 2012 workshop took place at the NSCC Centre of Geographic Science with a total of 20 members in attendance. Thank you to NSCC COGS for hosting this event, the use of their facilities, and the instructors for their presentations. As well, thank you to all of the other presenters that made this workshop possible. Special thanks is extended to Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations for co-sponsoring the workshop. The Annual General Meeting was also held during the workshop.
To coincide with the 2012 NSCC COGS "Employer Industry Tours" which were hosted by the AAPT, the association held an evening social at the Middle Deck in Halifax. Approximately 30 people were in attendance and consisted of COGS students currently enrolled the Geographic Sciences Diploma program, some COGS faculty and alumni, and some members of the AAPT.
The association once again hosted the NSCC COGS Employer Industry Tour. This involved twenty (30) students from the Geographic Sciences Program touring various employers throughout the HRM. Included in the tours were the Department of Natural Resources, Parks Canada, HRM Planning Services, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Nova Scotia Power, and ESRI Canada.
The AAPT Executive and Council met to review the 2011 workshop, plan for the 2012 workshop, and discuss other association matters.
This marks a significant step forward in our initiative to provide our members with additional benefits as well as attract new / returning members to the association.
$1,000 was donated to the Nova Scotia Community College Foundation to be used in its entirely as a contribution to the NSCC COGS campus for the restoration and documentation of the Walter K. Morrison collection.
The results of the AAPT Skills Survey have been compiled and are now available. It is the intent that this data be used in curriculum development to identify occupational skills and abilities to ensure currency, relevance and accountability to industry and business sectors. Thank you to those that took the time to complete the survey. Congratulations to Cheryl MacKintosh who was the winner of the draw for the Garmin nüvi™ 265WT Portable GPS from the list of survey respondents.
The 2011 workshop took place at the NSCC Centre of Geographic Science with a total of 25 members in attendance. Thank you to NSCC COGS for hosting this event, the use of their facilities, and the instructors for their presentations. As well, thank you to all of the other presenters that made this workshop possible. Special thanks is extended to Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations for co-sponsoring the workshop. The Annual General Meeting was also held during the workshop.
Exhibition recognizing the donation of a research collection by the late Walter K. Morrison, Cartographer Emeritus of COGS. This collection encompasses the historical evolution of cartography with a focus on J.F.W. DesBarres’ Atlantic Neptune. When: April 29, 2011 Where: NSCC Centre of Geographic Sciences, 50 Elliot Road, Lawrencetown Exhibit Hours: 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The AAPT Executive and Council met to continue the planning for the 2011 workshop, review the results of a recent balloting process, and discuss other association matters.
The AAPT members voted in favor of amending our by-law as follows (amendment
in bolded italics):
Qualifications to Membership 8. (3) ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP may be granted at the
discretion of the Membership Committee to a resident who has completed a
course in instruction in Town and Regional Planning recognized by the AAPT
or equivalent training
and has less than one (1) year experience in the field.
The AAPT members voted in favor of renaming our Merit award to the Tim LeFurgey Memorial Award. Tim was a COGS graduate of the Planning: Land Information Technology program, a Senior Planner with the Town of Amherst, a colleague of AAPT members, and a dedicated member of this Association. Tim passed away in 2008 after a courageous battle with cancer.
MORRISON, Walter Kenneth - Cartographer Emeritus, Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS), NSCC, Lawrencetown, passed away peacefully on February 26, 2011. Below is the Obituary:
Cartographer Emeritus passes away at age 86
MORRISON, Walter Kenneth - Cartographer Emeritus, Centre of Geographic
Sciences (COGS), NSCC, Lawrencetown, passed away peacefully on February 26,
2011, in Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, Middleton. Walter was a son of the
late Kenneth Morrison (formerly of Rear Baddeck) and Christene (MacLean)
Morrison (formerly of Middle River, Victoria Co.). He was born in
Waltham, Mass., in 1924. He was predeceased by his mother, father, and
brother Donald. He was the last surviving member of his immediate
family. A larger number of counsins on both sides of his family, many
colleagues, and friends are left to mourn his passing. He served with
the United States Air Force during the Second World War as Staff Sergeant with
the 774th Squadron, 463rd Bomb Group aboard a B-17 Flying Fortress out of
Foggia, Italy. Walter served as a mid-gunner and flew 11 missions before
returning to the United States. Following the war, he studied geography
at Clark University and in 1952 received a Masters Degree in geography.
He later secured a position as a professional cartographer with the
National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C., and worked on a variety of
innovative projects for the magazine. In his nine years at the
Geographic, he was an important part of a talented group who would establish
mapping procedures that became standard in the business for 40 years. In
the early 1960s he returned to his ancestral area of Cape Breton Island, and
in 1966 accepted a position at the Nova Scotia Land Survey Institute in
Lawrencetown as head instructor in the Cartography Program. To this
institution and the students of cartography, Walter brought his wealth of
knowledge and innovation to the classroom for 19 years. He was
instrumental in the design and layout of the extensive labs that were
installed there in the "New" NSLSI facility built there in 1974, and used for
all manners of map production activities that preceded the digital age.
Throughout his career, and following his retirement in 1985, Walter
remained focused on his research into the cartographic evolution of Nova
Scotia. He published a number of important articles regarding the early
mapping of Nova Scotia in the Nova Scotia Historical Review and in The Map
Collector. He always gave special attention to J.F.W. Des Barres'
Atlantic Neptune, his most favoured research topic. Many former students
of the College acquired antique maps which Walter framed, as graduation prizes
in the Cartography Program. Walter's remains have been received by
Dalhousie University for medical research. A memorial service will be
held at a later date. In Walter's memory donations may be made to a
charity of one's choice.
To coincide with the 2011 NSCC COGS "Employer Industry Tours" which were hosted by the AAPT, the association held an evening social at the Middle Deck in Halifax. Approximately 35 people were in attendance and consisted of COGS students currently enrolled the Geographic Sciences Diploma program, some COGS faculty and alumni, and some members of the AAPT.
The association once again hosted the NSCC COGS Employer Industry Tour. This involved twenty (20) students from the Geographic Sciences Program touring various employers throughout the HRM. Included in the tours were the Department of Natural Resources, Parks Canada, HRM Planning Services, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canadian Hydrographic Services, and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
The AAPT operated an exhibitors booth at the Solutions Expo of the Fredericton ERUC. There we showcased what the association has to offer through a PowerPoint presentation, informational handouts, and members that promoted the association and answered questions.
The new AAPT logo was officially launched on this day during the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The 2010 workshop was held at the NSCC Waterfront Campus located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. The Executive and Council will be meeting in the fall of 2010 to plan for the 2011 workshop to be held at the Centre of Geographic Sciences in Lawrencetown (Annapolis Valley), Nova Scotia. The Annual General Meeting was also held during the workshop.
To coincide with the 2010 NSCC COGS "Employer Industry Tours" which were hosted by the AAPT, the association held an evening social at the Middle Deck in Halifax. Approximately 40 people were in attendance and consisted of COGS students currently enrolled the Geographic Sciences Diploma program, COGS faculty and alumni, and members of the AAPT.
The association hosted the NSCC COGS Employer Industry Tour. This involved twenty (25) students from the Geographic Sciences Program touring various employers throughout the HRM. Included in the tours were the Department of Natural Resources, Parks Canada, HRM Planning Services, NSCC Print Shop, and ESRI Canada.
A portion of the Executive met on this day to review the results of the conceptual AAPT logo survey, the upcoming newsletter release, an upcoming social event, the draft dacum (Developing a Curriculum) chart, and to continue planning for the 2010 workshop.
The Association is proud to present their newly redesigned website to assist current technicians in their career paths and those technicians that may be interested in becoming a part of our growing organization.
A survey was sent to all members of the Association as well as select Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) faculty to decide upon a new logo design. Six designs were presented and participants voted for their favourite. The results of the survey will be reviewed during the next Executive meeting with the announcement of the new logo to following shortly thereafter.
A portion of the Executive met on this day to review the survey results from the 2009 workshop, a proposed redesign of the website, and to review conceptual AAPT new logo designs. In addition, the AAPT scholarship was discussed, the new Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) Planning curriculum, and planning for the 2010 workshop began.